ECO-CAR University Team

Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem

BME Department of Automotive Technologies key research areas are autonomous vehicles, additive manufacturing, automotive safety and security and electro-mobility. The department has a traditionally good cooperation with the industry, in the las decades numerous research institutes of OEMs and TIER1 suppliers work together with them. Beside of the newly developed Autonomous Vehicle Control Engineer curricula the department is active alma mater of vehicle engineer education and its focus is turning on e-mobility and modern research techniques. In the education own special laboratories and test tools (ie Mercedes and Mitsubishi e drive vehicles) are used with cooperation with the industry. Department has a wide international network that is used for knowledge sharing and transfer. The Department is the scientific partner of ZalaZONE Proving Ground and it enables access to the newest developments of the automotive industry.



Dr. Máté Zöldy

Project Coordinator

Head of Research Group

Dr. Máté Zöldy Bio.pdfDr. Máté Zöldy Bio.pdf

Ádám Nyerges

Team Member

​Senior Researcher

Ádám Nyerges Bio.pdfÁdám Nyerges Bio.pdf

Marianna Márkus

Team Member

​Education Expert

Marianna Márkus Bio.pdfMarianna Márkus Bio.pdf

مشروع دبلوم التدريب المهني على المركبات الكهربائية والهجينة / ECO-CAR

هاتف: (962)6 535-50-00

البريد الإلكتروني:

الموقع الإلكتروني:

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